"Whatcha doin' Brandon" asks the teacher with the camera.
"Just lookin' around," he replies.
Any walking that has to be done is on the snow, in the snow, around the snow, or... in the mud. The mud appears as the snow melts and, with the beautiful weather, the snow is melting.
The kids have been instructed to bring extra socks to all camp activities. Their socks are covered with plastic bags in order to keep young feet dry and somewhat toasty. Just imagine the aroma in the boys' cabin as they change into their pajamas tonight.... the teachers are very happy to be UPwind from this assault on the senses.
There have been many opportunities for the students to hike in the snow. They must trudge through the drifts in order to get to any of the activities they are going to do. Yes, they had to walk uphill in the snow, but don't believe them when they tell you it was "both ways."
Today, they had archery, orientering, and outdoor adventures. The latter included sliding down hills on blue foam pads. You can imagine how much fun they had! We would post pictures but many of them are suddenly camera shy.
There was a full archery course. The kids learned about the sport, its history, and careful use of the bow and arrow. Safety was the most important concern. We are happy to report that none of our students experienced archery-related injuries. As a teacher, this is always a relief. Explaining arrow injuries in young posteriors is never an easy task. Parents lack a sense of humor when it comes to these things.
Tonight is LINE DANCING. Yee haw and watch those bows and arrows!